Monday, January 25, 2010

Salute to all the Single Mothers out there!

Having a sole responsibility in taking care of your kid is very hard. I thought it’s an easy job but I was wrong. Being a single mother to a 3 year old girl is a tough job, so tough that I have to be a mother and a father at the same time. It’s kinda frustrating on my part not having a partner that can help me out whenever I need someone to share the burden in taking care of my kid. Right now, all I wanna do is shout and break down in pieces. I’ve been in so much problem lately particularly the hospitalization of my daughter. She was admitted due to vomiting the whole day so we have to rush her to the hospital to prevent her from dehydration.

Right now, I feel all the weights on me. I have to rush from my work to check on my baby because I was informed that she is not well again. She has loose bowel (almost fluid-like stools), rashes all over her body and she doesn’t wanna eat. God! It’s so frustrating! If only I have someone to help me, someone I can share the burden, share the same f*cking dilemma. This is the worse part of being a single mother. You have to face all the problems alone, look for a solution alone and cry alone.

With this reason, my respect for all the single mothers out there could not be measured by anything. I salute those who raised their child/children alone with their heads up high, indeed you have my praise and admiration.

Just like any issues, it has its pros and cons. You have heard the disadvantage of being one. On the other hand, the advantage of being a single mother is gaining your kid’s love. Aside from that, you have the opportunity to know yourself better, opportunity to be strong, to be able to face life without asking help from others, being independent, and above all, you have what it takes to be respected by people. These reasons alone are the only strengths I have in facing this crisis aside from my family and friends who are there to support me all throughout this roller coaster life.

At the end of the day, being with my daughter even though how hard life can be is always what I call GIFT. Sleeping and waking up beside her is a moment I will never ever trade to anyone even if it means having a partner. Let’s face the fact that you cannot have anything you want. I know time will come, heaven’s grace will shine upon me and so, I’ll just wait… :-)